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The museum staff is happy to assist you in making your donation. If you'd like to make a gift, please email us at , describing your contemplated gift. Please read our gift acceptance policy below, which may prove helpful as you consider donating your cards. Cards printed in or before 1980 are eligible for the collection. However, we will consider accepting cards produced after 1980, but not normally for our collection.

Gift Acceptance Policy

1. Generally, we will accept unrestricted gifts and bequests of baseball cards produced before 1980, in almost any condition, provided they are clean. We may accept certain other trading cards such as basketball, hockey, etc. Cards made in 1980 or later are rarely accepted. Check with us first. We reserve the right to reject any gift or bequest for any reason. Gifts that are suitable for our collection are accepted to be part of the collection. Gifts not suitable for our collection may be accepted and then sold for the purpose of acquiring cards for the collection or supporting our operations. (Donors of these cards not added to the collection may deduct only their cost basis for income tax purposes.)


2. Cards accepted into our collection are subject to our deaccession policy, which is found here.


3. Under our "Legacy" plan, we agree that any display of your donated cards will be identified as from your collection. To cover the added administrative costs of legacy gifts, we require legacy donors to also donate cash (or cards that can be sold to raise the cash) in the amount of $5 per card, with a $2,500 minimum.


4. We will return gifts that are not accepted only at your expense. Check with us before you donate to avoid those expenses.

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